My Egg-on-Toast Sunday Brekkie

Self-made Sunday brekkie Egg-on-toast, with mayo & BBQ spread - for "taste-variety's" sake, because I am "edgy" like that ... NOT! Essentially is my daily attempt to get flavours out of my food, without feeling too guilty with stuff that'll trigger my diabetes and all other unhealthy ailments-inducing shite that had plagued me (and this blog lol) since my Stroke in 2010 ... although you can argue THIS is not "healthy", too, but like I give a rat's hoot on a "Sunday" alone at home ... Heh.

Eggs fried in a pot (too lazy to wash the wok, shuddup :p), and mixed with unsalted butter when hot and sprinkled generously with fine black pepper (Chinese styled, and not coarse black pepper), with a touch of salt - which I might not have needed if my utter was SALTED (but bad for ny everyday consumption, shuddup :p) ... Actually more salt would've jazzed up the taste tbh ... but like my doctor say: "Moderation"! :p

Brought to you with heavily filtered images courtesy of iPhone LOL ... I’ll be trying to glam up my regular home eats, to post here, just to see if it’ll make any difference in getting any eyeballs, or difference of the blog’s existence maybe?

Bringing food-porn-glam to everyday eats...! :)

Bon Appétit!


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